
The Ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay Foundation is counting on your generosity and asks for your support in continuing medical research on Ataxia.

Make a Donation Online

  • Enter the amount you are donating

  • Personal Information

  • $ 0.00 CAD
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Make a Donation via Cheque

Please download and print the below form, fill in the information, and return it with your cheque.


Download Donation Form


Other Ways to Donate

In Memoriam Donation

An In Memoriam donation is a donation to honour the memory of a loved one, at the request of the deceased person or at the request of the family.

In the orbituary, you may invite family and friends to make an In Memoriam donation. Once we receive your donation, we can send to the grieving family a condolence card indicating that you have made an In Memoriam donation to the Foundation. In Memoriam Form.



Will Donation

In their will, a person will leave a certain amount of money or a work of art or a property to the Ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay Foundation.

Planned Donation

A planned donation could be a certain amount of cash, or shares or some goods. While taking advantage of some tax benefits, you contribute to the development of a cure for the Ataxia Charlevoix-Saguenay.

Donation of Shares

Donations of publicly traded securities or mutual funds to charitable organisations are exempted from capital gains tax. Therefore you can save on your taxes while supporting the research.

To make a donation of shares, you have to transfer (via your stockbroker) your shares to the Foundation. Then, you (or your stockbroker) have to inform the Foundation of the title transfer.

A tax receipt will be issued for any donation.

The Foundation is a charitable organisation registered with Canada Revenue Agency and Revenue Québec (registration number# 856980321 RR0001).