The Ataxia Charlevoix-Saguenay Foundation is pleased to announce that the project led by Dr. Kym Boycott, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and University of Ottawa, has been selected in the context of the competition conducted by Genome Canada and Canadian Institutes of Health Research Canada . The Foundation is part of that project by having partnered with Dr. Kym Boycott to develop treatments for ARSACS. In collaboration with Dr. Alex McKenzie, Dr. Boycott will conduct research on ARSACS where her expertise and knowledge will be very valuable. The Foundation is proud to be associated with Dr. Boycott and Dr. McKenzie and their research project.

The announcement of the project selection was made on March 26, 2013 at a press conference in Ottawa with researchers Kym Boycott and Alex McKenzie, representatives from Genome Canada and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Canada and Mme Sonia Gobeil, representing the Foundation. News Release.


(from l. to r) : Dr Alain Beaudet, president of Canadian Institutes of Health Research; Joy Smith, M.P. Kildonan-St.Paul; Dr Kym Boycott, Children Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute; Sonia Gobeil, Foundation of Ataxia Charlevoix-Saguenay; Dr Paul Lasko, Director Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Dr Alex MacKenzie, Children Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute.


Dr Kym Boycott, Children Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute