Second phase of a trial project

February 02,2014- A short trial conducted in 2013 and consisting of administering a drug to the ARSACS transgenic mice had some encouraging results. The mice improved their physical performance. The second phase of this project will start in February 2014. This time, the drug will be given to the mice over a longer period and the impacts will be observed and analyzed. The Foundation is contributing to the financing of this research experience.

Training program developed by Olivier Audet

December 27,2013- In March 2013, we informed you that Olivier Audet, a student in the Masters Program in expérimental medicine at the University of Québec à Chicoutimi(UQAC), had developed a training program for the ARSACS patients to improve their quality of life. Since then, Olivier has conducted a study with 13 participants and the results even though preliminary are very encouraging. See the summary of the study (in French only)

Virtual Insertion PEG Test starting in summer 2013

March 8, 2013 – In the summer 2013, the Montreal-Saguenay and Zurich research teams will clinically validate the Virtual Peg Insertion Test amongst the ARSACS population and identify specific kinematic and dynamic parameters characteristic of the ARSACS disease. This will help providing a better understanding of upper extremity impairment level, disease progression or response to therapeutic treatment. This study will be conducted among approximately 50 patients with ARSACS from 12- 50 years old in the Saguenay.