Our goal is to generate an AVATAR mouse model to reproduce the heterozygous compound alteration of a Uruguayan-child, in South America. Using the CRISPR/Cas technology we will generate a frameshift SACS variant mouse line, reproducing the father’s modification and other mouse line with a missense PRO2369LEU VARIANT for the mother. Obtaining this grant allows us to validate the animal model and initiate pre-clinical studies of this disease in our country in a near future.

Nouveau cette année !  Financement de démarage  (Seed money)

Financement : 25 000$

Durée: un an


De g à dr: Geraldine Schlapp, Martina Crispo, María Noel Meikle, Jorge Luis Pórfido

Dre Martina Crispo Benedetto

Mataojo 2020
Institut Pasteur of Montevideo
Montevideo, Uruguay
crispo@pasteur.edu. uy