par ARSACS | Juin 4, 2018 | Recherche 2017
Le ministère de la santé de l’Italie accorde du finacement pour le projet « Insight into new therapeutic preclinical strategies in Autosomal Recessive Spastic Ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay type » présenté par: Résumé du projet : « Autosomal recessive spastic-ataxia of...
par ARSACS | Août 31, 2017 | Recherche 2017
Project description to come Duration: one year Grant: $100,000 Contacts: Dr. Bernard Brais, co-director of the neuromuscular group of the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital 3801 University Street Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2B4 Tel:(514)-398-3334;...
par ARSACS | Août 31, 2017 | Recherche 2017
Project description to come Duration : One year Grant: $100,000 Contacts: Dr. Bernard Brais, co-director of the neuromuscular group of the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital 3801 University Street Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2B4 Tel:(514)-398-3334;...
par ARSACS | Août 31, 2017 | Recherche 2017
Project description to come. Duration: one year Grant: $98,350 Contact: Dr. Kalle Gehring, Professor Department of Biochemistry MCGill University Francesco Bellini Life Sciences Building, 3649 promenade Sir-William-Osler, Office: Room 469; Lab: Room 473, Montreal,...
par ARSACS | Août 25, 2016 | Recherche 2017
1. Identify the proteostasis systems that are activated in sacsin null cells 2. Identify proteins that are recruited to the aggresome-like structure in sacsin null cells 3. Identify if there is evidence for disruption of proteostasis systems in human ARSACS neurons....
par ARSACS | Août 25, 2016 | Recherche 2017
Caractériser les déficiences de force et de contrôle de mouvements volontaires et les limitations d’activité liées à la mobilité; 2) caractériser leurs interrelations; et 3) identifier les variables cliniques qui expliquent le mieux les limitations...
par ARSACS | Août 23, 2016 | Recherche 2017
The McKinney and Watt labs, which are located in close proximity in the Bellini Life Sciences Complex and who already share a mouse colony of ARSACS mice (Sacs-/-) will determine the physiological mode of action of TPS-100 a pharma and aminopyridines on Purkinje cell...
par ARSACS | Avr 2, 2016 | Recherche 2017
Aim 1- Mapping GI network of ARSACS-associated SACS target using CRISPR 1.1. Quantitative readout for scoring GIs 1.2. GI validation and benchmarking Aim 2 – Characterizing ARSACS-linked SACS pathways for function discovery Duration: one year Grant: $69,500...
par ARSACS | Avr 2, 2016 | Recherche 2017
The objective is to identify compounds that will improve axonal transport in neurons carrying the mutation. The compounds we will survey are ones with a known mechanism of action and thus will identify cellular signaling pathways with the potential to overcome the...
par ARSACS | Mar 29, 2016 | Recherche 2017
The research project has two specific aims: to continue experiments to determine if loss of sacsin functions in NF metabolism plays a central role in pathogenesis of ARSACS and to determine the effect of sacsin domains on the phenotype in our ARSACS culture models and...